Friday, December 05, 2008

Rick Warren Memorizes Lines From Him Book But Can't Quote One Verse of Scripture In Context

This is errie----this morning as I had my second cup of coffee I read the transcript from Hannity and Colmes' show with guest Rick Warren. Here's what I emailed to a few friends (italics are my thoughts and emphasis in bold are mine):

Warren on Hannity and Colmes 12-4-08:

WARREN: You know, it's kind of like with Thanksgiving, on Thanksgiving we do just everything except give thanks. We eat, we watch football, we have a good time with family. Almost nobody gives thanks to God at Thanksgiving, unless there's a short prayer before we eat.

Well most if not everyone I know, even pagans, stop to say what they are thankful for. At school they kids made a "Gratitude Bag" several years ago. He's just crazy. And uh, he needs to eat less, talk less, and read the Bible more.

Warren: God has given us a gift in Jesus Christ. And people don't understand: it's for our benefit. One of the things that says, "For unto you is born this day a savior." They say, "Well, I don't need a savior." Believe me: if you didn't need one, God wouldn't have sent it. [Jesus is an it?] Because — because he wouldn't have wasted the time [but apparently He did waste time on the cross, dying for those He never intended on much for "purpose"]. And Jesus meets every one of our deepest needs. And what we need to do is accept his gift of a pastor-given (ph), purposeful living home in heaven.[And by the way, buy my book Purpose Driven Life to find out this need it and I need your money]
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Pastor, did you just say "peed off"?
WARREN: "Peed off?" No, I didn't. I might have.

Uh, he doesn't KNOW what he just blabbed?

WARREN: The thing is, Alan, I believe Jesus Christ came for everybody [a failed "purpose" because clearly people go to Hell, so the death of Jesus didn't cover "everyone's" sin]. I don't think he came for Christians. The Bible says take this good news to the whole world.

I don't care whether you're Baptist, Buddhist, Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, or no religion at all. Jesus Christ still loves you. You still matter to God.

Jesus came not just for Christians? Jesus loves everyone and we all matter to I'm starting to feel my purpose....Not even. Jesus came only to save His people from their sin; He died for HIS church; HIS sheep; HIS bride. God clearly states He hates the wicked (Ps. 5:5-6; 11:5-6)

COLMES: True, and I think that's a wonderful message. But if you don't accept Jesus, if you're not something who goes that route religiously...
COLMES: ... can you find your way to heaven? Can you still be — go to the same place when it's all said and done?
WARREN: I'm not the authority on that, but I believe Jesus is. And everybody's betting their life on something. Jesus said, "I am the way." I'm betting that he's not a liar. I'm betting that he told the truth.
COLMES: What about — what does it say for all those people who do not accept Christ as their personal savior?
WARREN: I'm saying that this is the perfect time to open their life, to give it a chance. I'd say give him a 60-day trial.

HE PULLED A JOEL OSTEEN! Rotflol! No hell, no wrath, nothing. What an inept moron...Jesus is the what exactly? To find purpose? Notice he left out the rest of the verse: the Truth and the Life and NO ONE goes to the Father but by HIM. "Betting Jesus told the truth"....HELLO? He IS Truth. How dare he make Jesus a test-drive errand boy! Perhaps that's why earlier on in the discussion he referred to Jesus as an "it". Had he been a Christian he would've used the time to proclaim Christ Jesus and the Gospel with clarity and boldness but all Warren does is cower and slither away from the truth, helping those in the lie to stay there.

Here's what I just read at Slice:


Rick Warren and his false gospel got a national audience on the Today Show again this morning. Here is how one reader put it after watching the interview with Matt Lauer. (Bold Emphasis mine.)

God sent Jesus to solve all our problems
Most people don’t accept the gift”
“Jesus Christ came for your greatest benefit

“He sent Himself to earth so that we could know what he is like”
Depression: “people need to turn to God”

Notice, when Matt Lauer says, ‘Happy Holidays”, Rick does not correct this, nor does he say Merry Christmas!

No message of repentant faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. None. THAT is the reason for Christmas. God’s gift of salvation through repentant faith in Him!

He uses everything but the BIblical truth of Jesus’ coming to save the sinner from hell. He refuses to mention sin, the message of the cross, repentance etc. No scripture.
Notice how he uses “seeker-sensitive” words to appeal to the culture.

End quote.

Rick Warren has talking points he's memorized which I bet (ha!) is from his little book, in order to sell his his little book that no one needs. Apparently he doesn't wander off script and repeats himself. Its almost like a mantra, and if he says it enough SOMEONE will believe him.

At least some Christians are noticing what he's NOT saying, as much as what he does; both make the man a raving heretic. Gal. 1:7-9.

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