Friday, March 06, 2009

When A Liberal Gets Hit With Liberal Reality: Whoopi Goldberg Complains About Her Taxes

Here's what it looks like when a flaming liberal gets hit with liberal reality. Its not pretty. Welcome to reality Whoopi. Now you see that your liberalism (socialism) really can't work in the REAL world. And now you know why so many of us aren't happy about this plan (poor Whoopi has to deal with not just Obama's tax increases but her own state (NYC) and county taxes like those of us in California.) Keep in mind, this was April 15,2008. Its WORSE now. Will she rail against Obama and his horrific administration? And why, if she's so dead set against these taxations, does she keep voting for Democrats who do nothing BUT TAX us? Is that not the definition of insanity?

Here are some excerpts. Go here for more. There is video of her comments at the site as well.

To mark Tax Day, Whoopi Goldberg, a strong critic of high taxes, railed
against how much the government takes from her paycheck. On the April 15 edition
of "The View," Whoopi displayed some of her bills with the many government fees
attached to it. She also felt she was being punished for her success even
calling it "un-American" and wondering why she never gets a "break."

GOLDBERG: Well, I’ll tell you, I don’t mind paying taxes because I know I
make a lot of dough and you want to give some. Okay? That’s the way it’s
supposed to be. That’s the way it’s supposed to be because if you have you want
to give. That’s the way, that’s why it’s set up this way. But I am sick
and tired of being taxed because I’ve done well for myself. I don’t understand why I am paying the kind- look, look at the phone bill. Let me just read this to you. Federal Universal Service Fund, what the **** is that? What is it?

JOY BEHAR: This, this is your telephone bill?
GOLDBERG: This, this is the cell phone. Then you have the State Gross
Receipts Tax, the State Sales Tax, the State Telecom Exicse, Country Surcharge, County Telecom Excise, MCTD Surcharge, Local Sales Tax, nine- State 911
BEHAR: Whatever that is.
GOLDBERG: -County 911-
HASSELBECK: You get taxed for 911?
GOLDBERG: Yes! What the **** is this?
HASSELBECK: You can not be taxed for 911.
GOLDBERG: Well, I think, I think it’s the emergency thing. But then you have the emergency for the state you’re in and then the country you’re in, and then the county you’re in. Okay, the electric bill. What do these things mean? Your basic service charge, okay, $11.39. Then you get this delivery that costs you $11.85. Then you get a CBC/RP- what the Hell is it? And while it seems like not a lot of dough, and then you have a GRT and other surcharges, it doesn’t seem like a lot of dough, but this happens to you every month. Every month this comes on and we don’t say "whoa! What the ****?" Cause don’t forget- oh wait, let me get this one too.
BEHAR: There’s more.
GOLDBERG: Oh yes. You get, you get for the electricity. Okay, we know you got to pay for electricity. But you are charged every month for a storm charge. What if you live in a- what if you don’t have any storms?

GOLDBERG: Well no, no. It’s not going to get worse because it’s already
pretty awful and let me explain why. Because every time that you go to buy
something, okay, you are paying the state and the country and all of this other
tax. I don’t mind that. Again, I don’t mind paying when it’s okay, but
not when you are bailing out banks, it is costing me quadruple to heat my house,
four times as much to put gas in my car. I- where’s my break?

[applause] And you know what? Also, you’re not giving me- wait, wait, wait,
wait. Let me just get it all out then you can say whatever. I have been paying
my taxes since- my famous person taxes, that’s what I call it- for the last 23
years since I’ve been famous. I have never gotten money back ever.
Because once you make over a certain amount of money, you don’t get any money
back. I don’t understand- why can’t I have some money back? You’re mad at me,
why are they mad?

SHEPHERD: Because there’s a trade off. You’re famous. You don’t get the
money back.
GOLDBERG: No, you don’t, you don’t, that’s not, no- you don’t
charge people because that’s an un-American way.

HASSELBECK: Would you elect someone who’s going to propose higher taxes
for the rich then?
GOLDBERG: If the, if the tax- the thing is-
BEHAR: Can I get in this conversation?
BEHAR: Because I got some statistics.
GOLDBERG: Okay, but let me just say this. Nobody sitting at this table
doesn’t know what it’s like to be taxed, nobody.
HASSELBECK: Yes, we’re all taxed.
BEHAR: When you’re working you get
GOLDBERG: Okay, you’re getting taxed. Should you, because you make a
dollar more than so and so be taxed differently?
BEHAR: I don’t
HASSELBECK: See that’s what some of those running are
GOLDBERG: Well, you know what? We’re getting screwed either way.
I’m just trying to, trying to find the best way to get screwed I guess is what
I’m saying.
SHEPHERD: Also, you know, a little bit of this,
when you make a certain amount of money, like we can have a lot more write offs
than the average person.
GOLDBERG: I don’t know who you’re talking
to. I do not get hardly any write- I don’t get hardly any write
BEHAR: Well, every time, every time you buy something- make up
is write off for you.
GOLDBERG: Not for me.
BEHAR: You don’t wear it.
Hair, hair-
SHEPHERD: You need to start before it’s tax season.
need to start being superficial.
GOLDBERG: No, but it’s doing- you
see what it’s doing? It’s turning me into a cheat trying to find a
BEHAR: Don’t, don’t, don’t say
GOLDBERG: Well, listen, I’m saying it because if it
were, if it were done differently, we can say, "okay, I’m paying- this is my gas
bill, this is what it’s costing me to do, this is my thing. I need a little help
on this."
HASSELBECK: Who was proposing that flat consumer
BEHAR: Huckabee I think.
HASSELBECK: Huckabee, right? You’re just
taxed on what you buy, so you want to buy some candy you’re going to be taxed on

GOLDBERG: But how many Oprahs does Denmark have? How many Bill Gates
does Denmark have? Do you realize that 50 percent of their income every year
could float an entire nation? I’m just saying there has to be a better way to do
this. If you’re going to take my money I don’t mind it, again. I don’t mind it
when taxes-
BEHAR: But then give us something.
GOLDBERG: But that’s what
I’m saying.
HASSELBECK: You want to see where it’s going.
I know that I’m paying for this war, but I’d also like to be making sure that
I’m paying for, for a nursery school for kids who need it. I want it to be
balanced, and d*****, you know I’m tired of it. I’m tired of it.

Well Whoopi, your woman Hillary Clinton was all for these kinds of tax INCREASES too. This IS the Democrat MO.

Now that reality has hit home, perhaps you won't be such a bobblehead and vote Democrat next time.

Otherwise quit your whinning. This is YOUR man YOU voted for.

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