Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rich Buddist Tiger Woods and Poor Voodoo Romanist Haitians Have The Same Spiritual Condition: so where's the call of repentance to them?

Poor Voodoo Romanist Haitians are in the same spiritual condition as Buddist Tiger Woods. So where's the call to repentance for them? Now, of all times, is THE opportunity to proclaim the only way of salvation.

Or do we merely care suddenly, for the Haitians because of an earthquake? Temporal over eternal cares?

Do you realize how many souls just went to Hell? And how many of those were told they were working their way to Heaven?

Its so easy to point to someone immoral and rich like Tiger Woods. But the Haitians are just as immoral and spiritually dead, without hope, entrenched in demonic religions.

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