Friday, March 26, 2010

The Measure Of a Church: Money and Numbers?

Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed! A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Luke 12:15 "Few people think of the danger of getting rich.Most think that they become great--just in proportion as they gather wealth. Yet there never was a more fatal error! A man is really measured by what he IS--not by what he HAS. We may find a shriveled soul in the midst of a great fortune; and a noble soul in the barest poverty. A man's real "life" is what would be left of him--if everything he has were stripped off. His real 'worth' is his character, as it appears in God's sight.We will make a great mistake if our goal in life--is simply to gather more worldly trinkets than our neighbor!" (J. R. Miller, "Counsel and Help" 1907)"

I think the same can be said for churches. They think the bigger, the greater "for God's kingdom"; or the bigger the more anointed by God. God's blessing on a church is defined by most evangelicals is the SIZE of the congregation, not its spiritual condition. This isn't restricted to the typical Purpose-Driven churches either....I've witnessed it within "solid" circles and with missionaries as well.

Its pathetic.

So while exhorting individuals to not fall into the trap of loving money or having money define them personally, they as a church define God's blessing by money coming in and numbers. And if you doubt that, ask pastors who will tell you (if they are honest) that's what is the number one question asked at these pastor conferences ("what's the size of your church?").

I think I'll insert "church" for individuals

"Few churches think of the danger of getting rich. Most think that they become great--just in proportion as they gather wealth. Yet there never was a more fatal error! A church is really measured by what it IS--not by what it HAS. We may find a shriveled soul in the midst of a great fortune; and a noble soul in the barest poverty. A church's real "life" is what would be left of it--if everything it has were stripped off. It's real 'worth' is its character, as it appears in God's sight.We will make a great mistake if our goal in church--is simply to gather more worldly trinkets than our neighbor!"

Now do you see what I mean?

Give me a church of a faithful 50 than a lukewarm church of 500 any day.

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