Sunday, May 16, 2010

So "Doctrinally and Theologically Sound", Rick Warren Has New Agers Defending Him

Cephas reported: (exerpts)

Tuesday, in an article in the Detroit News, something happened that doesn't happen every day. In fact, it may never have happened before. The headline read, "Faith leaders deserve a shot at creating peace on earth." The author of the article was defending Rick Warren. Well, that's not too unusual -- many Christian leaders, pastors and teachers have done that consistently since the release of The Purpose Driven Life. That would hardly be newsworthy. But this article was written by someone who does not defend conservative Christians. On the contrary, she stands for beliefs that are opposed to biblical Christianity. Her name is Marianne Williamson.

[Note:The Detroit News link is no longer working, but here is one from WorldNetDaily.]

Many of you may be familiar with Williamson, but for those who are not, she is a major figure in the New Age movement. She is currently part of a growing effort in Washington DC to convince the US government to open a Department of Peace. Respected figures like Walter Cronkite work with Marianne Williamson in this effort, and New Age leader Barbara Marx Hubbard is a co-visionary of Williamson's .

What is so significant about Williamson's recent defense of Rick Warren is how she ties meditation into the scope of the global peace plan, and as we have laid out over and over in the books we have published (A Time of Departing and Running Against the Wind) and the articles we have written here at Lighthouse Trails, Rick Warren is a promoter of Eastern style meditation (i.e., contemplative prayer). And of all people to recognize this, Marianne Williamson did! Christian leaders haven't, but a New Age leader has.

Whole article here.

Yup, Williamson, who's big fan is Oprah, sees Tricky Ricky's New Age mysticism, but someone like John Piper, who claims to be a mature Christian, strong in biblical doctrine, indwelled by the Spirit of Truth, can't see it but rather says Warren is "theologically and doctrinally sound"?! In the words of John Stossle, "give me a break!"

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