Sunday, March 06, 2011

Embracing Heretics Is Not a Lack of Discernment Or Wisdom: Its Treason Against the King

Just how much "lack of discernment and wisdom" type of benefit of the doubt are people going to continue to give to men who are supposedly "mature" in the faith when they embrace (literally or spiritually) heretics?

Folks, this is an excuse which is inexcusable. Piper and Horton have repeatedly shared the pulpit with heretic Rick Warren, yet we're told this is merely a lapse in judgement, a mere lack of discernment.

I say it proves they are guilty of mutiny against the King of kings and need to examine themselves to see if they are in The Once For All Faith. It is this very thing that Jude had to write about--as did Peter---that certain men, false teachers, will sneak in among YOU. Folks, just HOW would a false teacher be able to sneak in among you? I'll tell you one way: by gaining the ear and whispering sweet nothings of flattery in the ears of men of influence.

Such is not the behavior nor heart of a shepherd of the flock of God. Nor is it the heart of one that loves God, His Word, and the souls of men.

For other concerns of the White Horse Inn go here.


terriergal said...

As far as what Horton teaches, he is still in the faith. But this is the first step down the road to compromise.

For example, since the Scriptures equate straying from the truth, idolatry, etc as spiritual adultery, we need to look at how adultery works.

Good Christian men and women don't set out to commit adultery. They are seduced. They are seen together, they chum around, they don't maintain the proper social distance. Gradually, and naturally, those distances get smaller and smaller, because we don't want to appear rude and standoffish.

Similarly, no one sets out to apostasize or steer a ship off course. It happens by many many small bad decisions, rationalized as 'doing God's work.' and being 'loving' toward those that differ.

The fact that Horton had a muzzle put on him in order to participate at Saddleback, and submitted to it, is a big big problem for me. I still will listen to Horton, but not in the context of hoping he will rebuke false teachers by name in the false teacher's own venue. I don't think we have any courageous men like that alive today.

terriergal said...

You know what I find REALLY ironic? That Robert Schuller, of all people, had more courage to rebuke his hosts for what he perceived was their error when he was on the White Horse Inn, than Horton did to rebuke his hosts at Saddleback.

Gayle said...

Thanks for posting, Denise.

I remember having reservations about the interview with Anne Rice. It seemed odd to interview her in the first place, and then the interview seemed accepting and didn't refute what she said. It was disturbing.

Denise said...

Oh man, really?

Denise said...

You are welcome Gayle. You were right to be uncomfortable with what you heard or didn't hear. Silence is sinful when someone is promoting error right under your nose, if you see what I mean.